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parent-child experience week

Green Commune creates a space for nature and relaxation.

In the experience, you will be surprised how come so many hidden problems in the here and now? What is mine? who am I? When did you become to be what you are now? . . . The problems come one after another. Don't be afraid. we will face together.

In the experience, you will learn the unique life energy activities of the Green Commune. These methods will stimulate your body's self-healing instinct, cleaning up the depressed emotions, replenishing energy, and self-treating the unbalance. As the energy status improves, you will feel the ease of the body and the inner peace.

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Go deeper and deeper. . . The answer you are looking for is there.

When you are relaxed, then you will know how to get along with your child. The child will get positive energy around you. When you are changing, the child is quietly changing too.

Children have their own reasons of illness. We will share how to understand it and release their stress, fear and other emotions through intimate, communication, and child-friendly methods. Use diet, massage and other methods to solve your child's fever, stomach upset, etc., so that children are free from drugs. When the concept of parents changes, the child will soon return to his nature. They can play and learn freely.

To love children is to give children the space to explore freely, let him try, create and become himself.

In the Green Commune, adults and children are both respected. Children will learn to contact with people of different personalities and ages. Then can freely express their thoughts. In this real life, children naturally learn how to live independently.

In addition, you and your child will experience farming, crafts, eco-tourism, and a totally new life. Zero-based thinking, community discussion, and teatime have a special in-depth connotation. Everything such as your child's education, life or community life, you can come up with and discuss here.

Here you will see changes in you and your child. The happiest thing you will feel is to grow up with your child.


Experience fee:

Adult: NT$28,000 / week

child (less than 7 years old) NT$16,000 / week, child (more than 7 years old) NT$19,000 / week

Including: accommodation, transportation, tools, daily diet during experience week.

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